Eric Bischoff Blogs About The WWE – Brutus Beefcake Cease & Desist
As we’ve been reporting, lawyers of World Wrestling Entertainment have sent a cease and desist order to former superstar Ed Leslie, better known as Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake. WWE is demanding Leslie stop using the “Barber” name they claim to own on Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling (CCW) television series.
CCW Executive Producer Eric Bischoff has posted a blog addressing the situation, which can be read in its entirety at
Bischoff claims that Vince McMahon is angry and thinks the show “exposes” the business. “I won’t go in to the legal aspects of the case, but suffice to say that we received a letter from Vince McMahon’s lawyer in early November and responded accordingly”. They continue to use the Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake name each week on the show.
“Prior to receiving the letter, I got a call from Brian Knobs who informed me that Vince’s surrogate, Johnny Ace, called Brian, who hasn’t worked for WWE in a decade, and threatened him not to go near any WWE talent or events as no one who is associated with CCW will ever work for WWE again. Then I found out that Jimmy Hart, one of the hardest working and loyal people I have ever met, was told he was no longer going to be used for WWE promotions because of his associations with CCW, even though he asked for and received permission to do our show!”
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