Hogan On DVD Cover, Wrestling Valet Appearing On 'Burn Notice', Andrew Martin

sources: www.f4wonline.com, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

— Individuals portraying Hulk Hogan, as well as Barry Bonds, former Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson and actor Sylvester Stallone, are on the cover of the soon to be released Bigger, Faster, Stronger DVD, scheduled for Tuesday, September, 30. The tag line reads, “Is is still cheating if everyone is doing it?”

— Amy Vitale, a Florida independent valet, and model, appears on tonight’s edition of Burn Notice on the USA Network tonight at 10 p.m. She plays a kidnapped Russian girl. You can see Vitale’s MySpace page at this link.

The New York Times is scheduled to do a story on independent wrestling this Saturday.

— The Memphis Wrestling promotion will be starting up on television soon for fans in the area. They ran a show last Saturday at the Autozone Park in Memphis featuring a number of former WWE stars including Joey Mercury, The Barbarian, Koko B. Ware, Pat Tanaka, Kid Kash, Andrew “Test” Martin and Buff Bagwell, as well as Jerry “The King” Lawler. When the group is back in full swing, it looks like these guys will be the promotion’s regulars. The show ended with Lawler challenging Buff Bagwell to a match.

See RECENT photos of Randy Savage!