More On HBK's Injury, Umaga Hurt, Super Crazy Update

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sources: Pro Wrestling Torch, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Shawn Michaels had surgery on his knee on May 23. He won’t be able to put weight on his knee for a month or two after the surgery, and then he’ll be able to begin rehabbing from there.
He had been wrestling in pain for a while. He initially seriously tweaked his knee on Raw on May 14 when he landed awkwardly at ringside during a match. He was sore all week and attempted to wrestle over the weekend, and at that point knew he had to have surgery immediately to fix the damage to his cartilage. Given the type of surgery he had, he should return stronger and in less pain than he’s been in for more than a year. Michaels has about three years left on his current WWE deal and he plans to fulfill the duration of it. One source said: “I don’t think he gives a sh– about being the top act alone on any brand at this point in his career. He has pride in what he does, but he doesn’t need or want the burden of being built around like Cena or Edge right now.”

Umaga is hurting these days. He has a bad rib and a bad elbow. What with so many guys hurt, several wrestlers are downplaying their injuries because WWE needs them.

Super Crazy, who has been out of action since suffering a knee injury during the European tour, is expected to be back on Raw by the first week of July, just in time for their tour of Mexico.

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