February issue of 220 Triathlon now on sale

The February issue of 220 Triathlon magazine went on sale today, featuring a beginner’s guide to building triathlon fitness in your gym to prepare for your first race. 


Other highlights in this month’s issue include:

Step up to Ironman with Joe Skipper: exclusive interview with British Kona pro Joe Skipper, plus top long-distance tips from the man himself

Joe Skipper reveals his go-to sessions to help you beast the Ironman bike leg

Gear focus: Aerobars 
We look at one of the biggest opinion dividers in the cycling community

Performance Change the pace up in the pool, go high gear/low cadence on the bike and off-road running to boost form

Competition: This month win an amazing prize package from Huub, including a top end wetsuit, tri-suit and goggles.

Test centre Simply the most comprehensive triathlon review resource available: race wheels, pool goggles and sports bras grouptests; Ridley Chronus an Eastway Emitter R4 bike reviews; all the latest tri gear tested


Find 220 Triathlon on sale at newsagents across the UK, and the digital edition can be picked up via the iTunes store, Google Play and Zinio.