Full Moon Symbolism & Crystals

What Does The Full Moon Symbolize?

Shining bright the Full Moon reflects the rhythms of life enduring an endless process of death and rebirth with its 28-day cycle. It embodies the qualities of receptiveness that are necessary for our intuitive process.

The full moon symbolizes imagination, intuition, dreaming, and represents transition and renewal. Often linked with the acquisition of insight, the Moon is more heavily associated with feeling, as it pulls on ocean tides, it pulls on our emotions. 

The Moon has been associated with feminine energy since ancient times and is also symbolic of fertility and birth. The Egyptian goddess, Lady Wisdom, was believed to be the personification of divine knowledge. The Chinese moon goddess, Mañjuśrī was referred to as perfect intelligence, and the Virgin Mary is sometimes called “the moon of the church” who is said to have perfect wisdom.

Stonehenge is believed to have served to astronomically measure the phases of the moon. During its 28 phases in rising and setting daily, the moon passes through the entire zodiac. The four phases are commonly referred to as waxing, waning, new, or full.

What to do During a Full Moon

When the moon is full its energy is strongest, representing the fullness of female energy and its circular shape symbolizes wholeness.

During a Full Moon, it’s time to review your intentions and release any subconscious blocks. If you’ve been keeping a Meditation Journal, this is a great time to reflect on your thoughts and clear out any narrowing beliefs or behaviors that block your ability to manifest.

Positively restructure your goals as needed based on the things that are working for you and release unproductive habits, negative impacts, and “anchors” that are not benefiting you.

Full Moon Meditation Crystals

Recommended gemstones and crystals for meditation when the moon is full and bright are:

  • Moonstone for its intuitive properties.
  • Quartz Crystal, white or clear, for its clarity and purity.
  • Howlite for its calming effects.

    Full Moon Meanings & Dates for 2024

    The Native American tribes of North America keep track of the seasons by relating unique names for each recurring full moon, which often reflected the changing landscapes or the wildlife activity of that period. These names can vary among tribes, but here are some of the most commonly recognized Full Moon names and their general meanings. 

    Wolf Moon – January

    The Full Wolf Moon begins the new year on January 25. During January, wolves could often be heard howling in hunger due to the scarcity of food. The moon was named in their honor.

    Snow Moon – February

    Full Snow Moon is on February 24th. The heaviest snows are known to fall during this month and native tribes recognized it was difficult for food hunting among the harsh weather.  

    Worm Moon – March

    The Full Worm Moon begins just before Spring on March 25th. This is the time when the frozen ground begins to thaw and earthworms appear, indicating the return of nature. To settlers, this moon is referred to as the Lenten Moon and signaling the end of winter.

    Pink Moon – April

    Full Pink Moon is on April 23th and gets its name from wild ground phlox, a widespread flower of Spring.  Other names include Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, and Fish Moon.

    Flower Moon – May

    On May 23rd, flowers are abundant during the Full Flower Moon. Some also call it the Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.

    Strawberry Moon – June

    The Full Strawberry Moon is on June 22nd and signals the harvesting of strawberries. In Europe, it is called the Rose Moon because roses are in full bloom.

    Buck Moon – July

    The Full Buck Moon on July 21st is when deer sprout new antlers covered in velvety fur. It’s also sometimes referred to as the Thunder Moon due to the frequent thunderstorms in this month.

    Sturgeon Moon – August

    On August 19th the Full Sturgeon Moon signals tribes that it’s time to visit large bodies of water to catch larger fish before the end of Summer. It’s also called the Red Moon because of its reddish appearance from heat.

    Harvest Moon – September

    The Harvest Moon on September 18th lets the tribes know it’s time to harvest corn and its name signifies when crops are gathered. It’s also bright, allowing farmers to work later into the night.

    Hunters Moon – October

    October finds the Full Hunter’s Moon on October 17th. The Native Americans named this bright moon for the falling leaves of autumn when deer are fattened, and it’s time to begin storing up food.

    Beaver Moon – November

    The Full Beaver Moon is November 15th. Beavers are preparing for the winter and signal a time to gather supplies for the cold weather ahead. It’s also sometimes called the Frost Moon.

    Cold Moon – December

    The Full Cold Moon on December 15th symbolizes long winter nights and cold weather. It’s also known as the Long Nights Moon due to the winter solstice and the longer nights that come with it.

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