BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 Electronic Components

The BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 Electronic Components is an integrated 16-cell monitor, protector, and cell balancer designed for high-reliability automotive applications with many built-in self-diagnostic features.Up to 16 BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 devices can be connected in series using the high-speed differential communications interface, which has been evaluated for compliance with Bulk Current Injection (BCI) standards. 

This capacitorisolated communications link provides effective common-mode noise rejection. The BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 communicates with the host through a high-speed UART interface. The BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 provides up to six general-purpose, programmable, digital I/O ports, as well as eight AUX ADC inputs, typically used to monitor externally supplied temperature sensors. Configuration of the digital I/O ports can be set to generate faults based on conditions set in register GP_FLT_IN. Further configuration of these faults can be for an indication of a fault on the FAULT_N output pin.

The BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 device is an integrated 16-cell battery monitoring and protection device, designed for high-reliability automotive applications. The integrated high-speed, differential, capacitor-isolated communications interface allows up to sixteen BQ76PL455ATPFCRQ1 devices to communicate with a host via a single high-speed Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interface.

Product Features


Main product features



Monitors and Balances 6-to-16 Cells per Device

Highly Accurate Monitoring

Engineered for High System Robustness


Product Applications

Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (EV, HEV, PHEV, Mild Hybrid)

48-V Systems (Single-Chip Solution) 

Energy Storage (ESS) and UPS

E-Bikes, E-Scooters