Roman Reigns’ opponent changed several times for Monday

After winning the Intercontinental Title on last week’s RAW from the Miz, Roman Reigns put out an open challenge for anyone who wanted the shot at the title during RAW last night. Things got confusing as during the day several people were announced as accepting Reigns’ challenge. Sunday Night, Jason Jordon posted a video saying he accepted the challenge, and the WWE even announced Jordan would fight Reigns officially. Cedric Alexander’s name was also tossed around yesterday as a possible challenger, with Reigns himself wondering if the challenge involved cruiserweights on Twitter. Reigns ended up fighting Elias during the RAW show as it was announced a few hours before the show. Whether it was a case of creative changing their minds during the course of the weekend or some people getting overzealous with the idea of wrestling Roman during the show, we may never know. Although it has only been hinted at, I don’t think there are too many people that would find Cedric Alexander not a worthy opponent, and even fewer people who wouldn’t enjoy a match between the two. 
Will the WWE keep up this musical chairs of revolving opponent for Roman Every week? Who knows but it has made things more interesting for RAW’s secondary title.


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