Jeff Hardy Comments On Mr. Kennedy's Release, WWE Erases Victoria From Site

— Jeff Hardy appeared on the Big O and Dukes radio show yesterday morning, which airs from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on 106.7 FM in Washington D.C. and on

When asked about the release of Ken Anderson (Ken Kennedy), Jeff said, “It was really sad, you know? I think he’s a real talented guy. I don’t know if it was the right move, but we’ll see.” He also mentioned that Ken was a guy that he had worked with and traveled with quite a bit and that he was extremely shocked to find out about his release. He said he’ll be just fine and wished him the best of luck.

One of the hosts, Chad Dukes, went on to ask Jeff how weird it is to find out about a release and Jeff replied, “There’s been alot of releases, alot of friends that are getting released just out of nowhere. You gotta deal with it, move on and just know to yourself that its not the end of the world and that there’s other things out there.”

In the interview Jeff also talks about feuding with brother Matt, his moveset, other interests, and more. You can download this interview at and on iTunes under Big O and Dukes. (Thanks to Gary Cantrell)

— has erased Victoria’s WWE Alumni profile.

— The Ticketmaster pre-sale code for WWE’s return to Denver, Colorado on Friday, August 7th is KROENKE.

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