WWE Diva Interested In Returning To Raw, Candice Michelle Sighting, Rosa Mendes

— When asked about her hopes for the future, SmackDown Diva Maria said in an interview with The Greek Reporter that she would like to return to Raw.

“I’m living my dream right now by just being in the WWE,” Maria said. “I still want to be Divas Champion and then move back to RAW to become Women’s Champion. I also recently recorded a song and I would like to do more of that, and finally I would like to launch my own clothing line.”

Maria also talked about her Greek background.

“I am half Greek which comes from my father’s side. Both of my grandparents are originally from Sparta, so I have a good fighting background,” she said.

Maria said she visited Greece a couple of years ago when she took her parents for their 25th wedding anniversary.

“We were able to see most of the country, including Athens, and I cannot wait to go back,” she said.

To read the interview in its entirety, click here.

— Candice Michelle made her first WWE-related appearance since her ankle injury last month at an autograph signing at a Borders book store in Torrence, California alongside Maria and Eve on Thursday. Click here to see photos of the three Divas from the signing.

— Raw Diva Rose Mendes is profiled by The Sun.

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