Who Might End Undertaker's Mania Streak?, McCool Plays Football, D-Lo Brown
sources: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, www.f4wonline.com
— The creative team discussed the subject of Undertaker’s WrestleMania winning streak last week during a booking meeting. They believe it should only be ended by a superstar on the rise, not an established star. The general feeling is that it will never end but Vince McMahon isn’t completely opposed to it. If it’s ever going to end, he doesn’t want to waste it on a “maybe” star, only someone that everyone can agree on being a top star in the company for a number of years. Some officials are leery on who to use in the role due to the likes of Brock Lesnar & Bobby Lashley bolting from WWE. In regards to who can possibly end the streak, a few names have been discussed, but nobody everyone can agree on. However, the name most talked about was none other than Ted DiBiase as they believe he can be the next Randy Orton. McMahon is said to be very high on him, but doesn’t feel it could be done by next year with him. One long-term idea brought up is that a few years from now, DiBiase’s father can be brought in because he storyline introduced Undertaker to WWE.
— It was announced at last night’s Florida Championship Wrestling show that Kofi Kingston will be in action next week. D-Lo Brown was at last night’s show as the weekly WWE guest. He defeated Vic Adams in a four minute match. Before the match, he cut a promo saying all the future talents of WWE are in FCW. However, he said there are some bad apples and troublemakers in FCW. He then called out Vic Adams, which led to the match. Brown scored the pin with a Frog Splash.
— In honor of the start of the NFL regular season, Michelle McCool did a football-themed photo shoot for WWE.com. You can see the photos at this link
Click here to see pics of Undertaker & Michelle McCool together!