LISTEN: Petey Williams Talks ‘Feast or Fired’, Everyone Doing the Canadian Destroyer & More on Impact Media Call

X-Division veteran Petey Williams was the special guest on this week’s IMPACT Media Call to discuss this Thursday’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. The former X-Division Champion discusses the future of the division he helped put on the map, the reveal of “Feast or Fired”, who he would like to see join the high-flyers on IMPACT, everyone in the world doing the Canadian Destroyer now and a whole lot more.

Check out the full IMPACT Media Call in the player above.

We’re on the weekly IMPACT Media Call with special guest, X-Division star “Mr. Canadian Destroyer” himself Petey Williams! #IMPACTMediaCall

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

Petey wants to face Matt Cross (aka Son of Havoc) at the upcoming IMPACT vs. Lucha Underground show in New Orleans.

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

Petey: It’s tough to see all the former IMPACT guys who have left to go elsewhere over the years, but he’s loving all the new talent and fresh matches he’s able to have with the current roster.#IMPACTMediaCall

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

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Petey wants more factions in wrestling. They’re exciting, you never know who’s going to end up where, and they’re a really good way for a newer, younger star to get over in a controlled environment. Ex: Eric Young in the original Team Canada. #IMPACTMediaCall

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

Petey praises Scott D’Amore as a trainer and emphasizes how important it is for wrestlers to finish their degrees or have a back-up plan because even a “successful” run with a big company can only be 5-8 years. You never know when it’s going to be over. #IMPACTMediaCall

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

Petey was asked if he wins the tag title contract in “Feast or Fired”, who he would pick as his tag team partner. His immediate answer was Sonjay Dutt. #IMPACTMediaCall

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

When asked who he wants in the X-Division, Petey William said @RealJeffCobb. I could definitely see him being sort of a modern Samoa Joe – big dude who can do crazy things mixing it up with the smaller X-Division guys. Good answer. #IMPACTMediaCall

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018

We’ll have the full #IMPACTMediaCall up on the website very soon. Tune into @IMPACTWRESTLING this Thursday night at 8/7c to see the “Feast or Fired” reveal. Who will be fired??

— (@pw_dotcom) March 21, 2018