Twitterverse Upset with Chris Jericho for Interviewing Donald Trump Jr

Chris Jericho recently interviewed Donald Trump Jr for his podcast. Trump, the son of President Trump, has just released a book and is making the media rounds.
But, the AEW faithful are displeased with Jericho interviewing Trump with some radical political activists saying they now will boycott AEW in response.
While it is unclear if their goal then would be to watch WWE NXT which and Linda McMahon in the Trump cabinet and which ahs President Trump in their Hall of Fame, one could imagine their latest act of selective outrage will be met with radio silence from the AEW camp at best or with the appropriate level of mockery at worst.
While we at the Wrestling Epicenter will not reveal our political bias, we can tell you that we’ve interviewed many who we disagree with politically because it is a good interview and benefits our site to speak with. While we have zero idea what side of the aisle Jericho sits on, it would be absurd for anyone to assume him interviewing the son of the President means he’s 100% on board with the President. It would also be absurd to assume that he’s not based on that information. You simply cannot tell. And, it also would be absurd to protest AEW over it in favor of a company which, as mentioned before, has closer ties to the Trumps than most. And, for the record, the Khan family donated over $1,000,000 to the Trump campaign also.

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